Eagle Opera House Movies

From the late 19th Century through the mid-20th Century, the Eagle Opera House on Main Street was a center of activity in the Eagle area, with minstrel & variety shows, plays, concerts, early silent movies, and later, “talkie movies”.  Upcoming activities were usually announced in advance in the local Eagle Quill newspaper, with follow-up articles about local folks who took on theatrical roles in the many plays and shows.  Admission was usually a dime.

 Silent movies became very popular from 1900 through the 1920’s, drawing crowds who roared with laughter at the comedies or were thrilled with the drama of more serious movies.  Either way, the silent movies were always accompanied by live music played by a local pianist or group of musicians.  The music was performed to highlight the action on the screen, and often, the movie studio would provide a musical score for the musician to play.  Later, studios sent music rolls for player pianos to accompany the movie.

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One such movie advertised in Eagle Quill was a western, scheduled to play at the Opera House on March 21, 1920.  It was filmed in 1919 and starred then-popular western actor William Russell.

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