An example of a crazy quilt. Crazy quilting created a stir in the 1880’s when it became quite the fad in the U.S., inspired by the Japanese Exhibit in the 1876 exposition with its asymmetrical art. Crazy quilts are still being made today. This quilt was made of wool fabric for comfort rather than display.
A version of Grandmother’s Flower Garden, this pattern was most popular after 1925, although some were made as early as the late 1700’s. This is an intricate pattern of hexagons and it was said that many women who never made another quilt finished a Grandmother’s Flower Garden.
This sunburst style is as yet unnamed. Perhaps one of our readers would be able to name it.
This quilt uses an eight point star with a pinwheel at the center. It was hand sewn and quilted.
Quilt shows a five square unit on point.
This early quilt is a nine-patch, hand tied rather than machine or hand quilted.
This quilt is the very popular and versatile log cabin patch.
The two quilts above and below are more recent and an excellent example of a group quilt made by a fourth grade class in 1980. It shows different Wisconsin counties. This quilt was also hand tied.
4th Grade quilt.
This quilt is a simple nine patch with sashing.
The windmill patch appears to have been paper pieced, a technique which produces a clean pattern with no signs of sewing lines.

The Tulip is example of appliqué.
This is another example of an eight pointed star with a pinwheel center.
This patch is most popularly known as drunkard’s path. As in most named squares there are often many variations. This block was also given a name related to the migration west, calling it Wanderer’s Path in the Wilderness, Oregon Trail and even Solomon’s Puzzle.
The Pine Tree block uses the flying geese pattern with the spool pattern used as the trunk.
Eight pointed star.
The Ducks Foot patch shown has more popularly been known as Bear Claw.
My great aunt, Elida Reynolds Colyer, living at Mukwonago,1868. In her diary, she pieced many quilts, one , a Delain pattern. Can anyone help identify the pattern “Delain”?
Thank you.
I’m sorry I can’t identify the pattern you are looking for. We don’t have any information about that pattern. Have you checked with any local quilting groups?
Elaine Ledrowski
I believe delain was a type of fabric, not a quilt pattern. It was manufactured and used around the time of the Civil War.
Delaine was a popularfabric in the 19th century. It’s a combination of wool & cotton. See