It has been a busy two years for our Eagle Veterans Park located on the Eagle Historical Society Museum grounds. In addition to the large memorial plates set to honor veterans of all U.S. wars, a brick memorial, with the names of veterans, is laid out in a decorative manor around a walkway. The bricks have been purchased in honor of loved ones as a remembrance to their memory. 
On Saturday, June 3, we proudly presented our tribute to those whose names are recorded in the bricks that make up our walkway to the Veterans Memorial. The book, “Eagle Remembers; Our Memories March On”, presents 121 essays and even more photographs of settlers, veterans, local businesses and organizations, and ordinary citizens who make up the fabric of our community. In addition, visitors to the museum will find digital links (QR codes) that will connect them to YouTube videos for each of the stories. To use the QR code, simply scan it with a smart phone with a QR reader app and you will be taken to the video. This book i
s part of a continuing effort to honor veterans and their families. May the stories recorded here bring to life our memorial bricks!
Did you know
that you can buy a brick to memorialize the name of a military veteran, loved one, family name or business name, to be added to our Veterans Memorial Walkway? Imagine YOUR family name, or that of a loved one, forever a part of Eagle history! You can purchase a 4” x 8” brick for $50.00 or an 8” x 8” for $100.00. Join us in commemorating our past as a remembrance for future generations. To purchase a brick, download an application here.