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Category: Uncategorized
Something New!!!
Check out our newest addition to the website, “People”! It showcases the wealth of information we have about families from Eagle, presented in alphabetical order. Each family entry includes images, …
New Discoveries!
Hidden treasures often lie for decades, undisturbed in folders and filing cabinets at local historical societies. Thanks to improvements in technology, family heirlooms, long ago forgotten by those searching for …
New Podcast S1E13 Clothesline Humor
I had my eyes squinted up, the wind was one of those that pulls the air right out of your lungs and the snow felt like birdshot. Well, there was …
Do You Recognize This?
If you drive from Eagle to Mukwonago, you might recognize the remains of Jericho School. Once a bustling center of education for generations of children from the Eagle area, it …