Our local cemeteries are the final resting place for many of Eagle’s earliest pioneer families. On a recent trip to Jericho Cemetery, one of the gravestones caught my attention while …
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2021 Eagle Pumpkin Carving Contest Winners
Congratulations to everyone who participated in the 2021 Pumpkin Carving Contest. There were some very cleaver entries and all were well done. *** *** ***
Oak Grove Cemetery Restoration
As in our pioneer past, hard work and determination bring success and produce lasting results. Such is the case with the restoration project at Oak Grove Cemetery in Eagle Wisconsin. …
Ahira Hinkley Arrives In Eagle
Born in Lebanon, NH in 1810, Ahira Hinkley was the son of a cloth dresser and fuller. Ahira attended school, worked for his father over the years, and worked at …
Civil War Soldiers Can Finally Rest In Peace
It was a perfect fall day. This sunny Sunday afternoon at the end of September blew a light breeze through Forest Home Cemetery in Milwaukee, with the temperature hovering at …
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