This is another in our series of “Residents From The Past” whose lives weave a tapestry of boldness, courage, and conviction that is the essence of the character of Eagle, …
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The Eagle Fire Department
After 95 years, the Eagle Fire Department, made up of the Town and Village of Eagle, merged with the Village of North Prairie to form the new Kettle Moraine Fire …
Merry Christmas – Happy New Year
We offer our most sincere thanks to all of the volunteers who donate their time and efforts in making our Eagle Historical Society a vibrant part of this community. We …
Sgt. Frank Splechter
Sgt Francis (Frank) Splechter was a soldier with the US Army 60th Infantry Regiment which was involved in heavy action in WWII. He was born to Frank and Elizabeth Splechter …
Thomas and Anne James
Our local cemeteries are the final resting place for many of Eagle’s earliest pioneer families. On a recent trip to Jericho Cemetery, one of the gravestones caught my attention while …