We at the Eagle Historical Society are excited to share some new exhibits with you with this short video.
Author: EHS Web
Historic Village Walk
Looking for something fun to do with your family? The Eagle Historical Society has put together an Historic Village Walk (or drive) that will take you to memorable sights in …
Eagle Grain Elevator Pt. 1
The first pioneers in Eagle and the surrounding area spent all their time gathering enough food and wood to survive the cold long winter until the next planting season. As …
Early Transportation Part 3 of 3
The Buffalo Roller It soon became clear that financial viability and success for communities depended on reliable transportation, so road building and maintenance became priorities for communities across the state …
Early Transportation Part 2 of 3
Wooden Plank Roads Entrepreneurs in the mid-nineteenth century understood the difficulty of travel and realized there was money to be made. They began building wooden plank roads that were relatively …