“Your donation will help save our history”
We are a non-profit organization staffed by all volunteers who donate countless hours to collect, sort, classify, and preserve printed materials and material objects illustrative of life, conditions, events and activities of the past and present of the Village and Township of Eagle, Waukesha County and surrounding areas.
Storage space at our EHS Museum is at a premium, so your Sponsorship will help us to add space so we can continue our efforts to safely preserve and store our Eagle history.
EHS Building Addition Program has 5 levels of donors; Eagle ($10,000+), Barred Owl ($1,000 – $9,999), Robin ($500 – $999), Sparrow ($100 – $499), and Hummingbird ($25 – $99).
Your generous donation will be added to our EHS Building Addition Donors page on this website.

None of this is possible without YOU!